
Showing posts from October, 2018

And then there were walls . . . well at least studs.

As we last posted, we spent a wonderful week in Disney World with Bill, Dawn, and the grandbabies in September. During our visit we went to the Magic Kingdom for Mikey's Not-so-Scary Halloween. I'll just share one photo of each grandbaby and then move on to the renovations! Next on our list was to level the floors in the upstairs bedrooms and hallway as well as fixing the joist that a previous plumber (we assume) notched almost completely through! Unbelievable! Looks like there might have been a drain pipe running through this area at one point. This was a time-consuming job, with lots of extra lumber cost--but will be well worth it as we move forward. All the walls (studs) are now in place for the 2 new bathrooms and closets that will replace the middle bedroom. The plan is attached so you can visualize a little easier what we are trying to accomplish. Our youngest, Mike, arrived home from Germany 9/19. He spent a few days with us and traveled with me to see his